My first order is... a Kindle cover. I think the new owner is pretty pleased with the results. And me too!!! I am ready for new orders...
28 d’abr. 2013
1st order for a Kindle cover
El meu primer encàrrec i m'ha fet molta il·lusió!!! Sembla que la nova propietària d'aquesta funda ha quedat molt satisfeta dels resultats... i jo també!!
5 d’abr. 2013
Kindle Cover
Per fi el meu estimat Kindle té la funda que es mereix. Després de passar-se un any revolcant-se pel meu bolso sense ordre ni concert, he aconseguit fer-li la funda tan merescuda i esperada.
Ah i per cert ja tinc el primer encàrrec!! I a partir d'aquí el que es pugui.... (és a dir, que n'accepto...).
Finally my lovely Kindle has a cover. I'm sorry to say that I have been meaning to sew a cover for a year but for many reasons I don't really know I haven't got round to it until now. My poor unprotected Kindle has been trying to avoid scratches being left unattended inside my handbag. But everything has changed now.
And also I have my first order!! I'll keep you posted!!
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